SE “Regionalgeology”
State Enterprise “Regionalgeology” conducts a comprehensive geological study of the subsoil, including regional geological, geochemical and geophysical studies, prospecting and evaluation works on metal (ore) and non-metal (non-metallic) minerals, verification mining and drilling operations.
The enterprise carries out geological, geochemical, land, borehole, airborne geophysical, mining-drilling, topographic and geodetic, cartographic, laboratory, technological work and geological and geophysical generalizations, contributing to the geological study of mineral resources and the expansion of the mineral resource base of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The work uses computer simulation methods, with the use of which the development of digital models of deposits is carried out and the criteria for their forecasting are improved. State Enterprise “Regionalgeology” has modern digital geophysical, geochemical equipment, a laboratory and analytical complex, modern drilling rigs and a fleet of off-road vehicles, which significantly increases the effectiveness and reliability of geological exploration work throughout the mountainous elevated part of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Territorial expeditions:
Central geological and geophysical expedition
Central Uzbekistan geological field expedition
Karakalpak geological field expedition
East Uzbekistan geological field expedition
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