JSC “Uzbekgeofizika”
JSC “Uzbekgeofizika” is the only supplier of integrated geophysical services for field work in the Republic of Uzbekistan
(two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) seismic, vertical seismic profiling (VSP), electrical exploration),
carried out under the state order, including within the framework of State Programs, in the search and exploration
of oil and gas promising structures.
Main product:
- field seismic exploration 2D and 3D
- processing and interpretation of seismic data
- preparation of oil and gas prospective structures for introduction into deep drilling
- field and geophysical work (geographic information system (GIS), geological and technological research (GTI), shooting and blasting operations research (ShBO))
- laboratory petrophysical core studies
- calculation of oil and gas reserves
- adjustment, repair and metrological support of geophysical
- geophysical studies of oil and gas wells
- drilling and blasting in wells
- comprehensive laboratory core studies
- 2D and 3D seismic surveys
- preparation of geological and technical projects for field seismic exploration
- storage and transport of explosives and ionizing radiation sources (IRS)
- core storage services
- supervisory services
Branches of JSC “Uzbekgeofizika”
Amirabad field geophysical expedition
Bukhara Geophysical Expedition
Ustyurt Geophysical Expedition
Ferghana Geophysical Expedition
Yakkabag Geophysical Expedition
More information in https://uzbekgeofizika.uz/en/about