“Uzbekhydrogeology” SE
The main activities
- Ensuring the increase and monitoring of groundwater resources in all regions of the country, as well as geological and geoecological work of hydrogeological engineers, ensuring the implementation of the geological tasks
- Carrying out complex systematic geological and hydrogeological studies of fresh, slightly saline, saline, mineral, thermal and industrial groundwater deposits, as well as sources of hydromineral raw materials, geological and hydrogeological study of the subsoil, state monitoring of groundwater and regional groundwater: geological, geoecological research, visualization and mapping
- Meeting the needs of the national economy in the service of hydrogeology and engineering geology
ensuring compliance with labor protection requirements, fire safety and traffic safety rules, sanitary and environmental standards at work - Implementation of measures for environmental protection, land reclamation
- Rational use and protection of groundwater, as well as compliance with the basic requirements for the hydrogeological study of groundwater
- Conducts exploration work by methods that exclude unreasonable loss of minerals and deterioration of their quality
conducts an effective personnel policy, organizes training, advanced training and retraining of personnel - Implements measures to ensure the confidentiality and confidentiality of information constituting a state secret, determines the composition, scope and procedure for protecting information constituting a commercial secret
More information http://hydrogeology.uz/